KCEP Collective Market Bargaining Improves Smallholder Farmers Livelihoods
Friday September 29, 2023
KNA by Geoffrey Satia
Close to 20,000 smallholder farmers in Chesumei and Mosop constituencies in Nandi County have benefited from collective market bargaining initiative sponsored by Kenya Cereal Enhancement Program (KCEP).
According to KCEP official in Nandi County, Caleb Sortum, smallholder cereal farmers clustered in eight cooperative societies and around 50 farmer groups have had their farm produce get better prices in both internal and external markets for instance international organisations like World Food Program.
Sortum said KCEP smallholder farmers drive have empowered farmers who previously ploughed only a half or one acre to now two or more acres.
“Since 2016 when KCEP rolled out its programs in Nandi, smallholder farmers organized in 50 CBOs and eight cooperatives societies have had their livelihoods improved through smart farming and better produce markets,” the KCEP representative told the press during agriculture exhibition at Chemuswa centre in Mosop Constituency.
He said the farmers are now benefiting from KCEP technology farming drive, where the use of technology takes centre stage during planning, farming, harvesting, storage and marketing.
“Use of technology is on the rise, for instance we have chemicals which farmers can use themselves to preserve seeds to be planted for long without going bad,” he said.
The official revealed that smallholder farmers at CBO and cooperative society’s level have also benefited from milling machines and other small scale farming machines and tools.
“We have also assisted in purchasing cereal driers for our farmers to reduce post-harvest losses, especially when El Nino rains are looming,” Sortum said.
Sortum noted that farmers have been encouraged to be aware of climate change effects and how best they can carry out their farming activities while safeguarding the environment.
However, he challenged the farmers at the exhibition to apply the knowledge gained from different participating companies and organisations to production and efficient use of their resources.
Nandi County Government Chief Officer in Charge of Agriculture Dr. Paul Sanga, present at the exhibition said KCEP programs in Chesumei and Mosop have greatly changed the livelihoods of the smallholder farmers.
Dr. Sanga welcomed the move to include Emgwen constituency in KCEP from next as this will bring more small scale farmers to benefit from the program.
With the inclusion of Emgwen Constituency to KCEP program in Nandi close to 10,000 more farmers are expected to be added to make 30,000 in total.
Yego Ronald, a beans farmer from Mosop admitted that KCEP has improved the livelihoods of farming through collective market bargaining and smart agriculture.
Different agriculture exhibitors showcased their products and services ranging from farm inputs, farm machines and tools and also different fertilizers and new improved seeds variety.
KCEP and Partners, Agriculture Department Nandi County Government organized the agricultural exhibition which attracted farmers and local school children.
Courtesy; KNA
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