Mental health in workplace is collective responsibility
By Robert Mutasi
It is the collective responsibility of the corporate to create an environment that is favorable to the employers and employees that will help them maintain their mental health.
Mental health is not only an individual responsibility to deal with but also a corporate responsibility.
Mental health has been a pressing issue at workplaces hence posing a big threat to the manpower of the company over the past years.
Stress, poor working conditions, pressure from work and depression are among major factors that have led to the rise in mental illnesses at the workplace.
Where there is a will there's a way, mental health issues can be solved by engaging workers in deep discussion by highlighting major causes and providing the necessary solution to the problems.
Businesses and other working places should prioritize fostering their environments that will be conducive to all.
Psychologists argue that mental health plays a significant role in the productivity and well-being in the leading organizations .
Organizations should draft and enact policies that have access to the mental health resources, therapy, programs that deal with wellness and mental health days.
Moreso, relaxation and stress reduction spaces should be created such as flexible work hours and lounges that are quiet to enhance performance and morale among employees.
This will enable workers to relieve themselves and break boredom that resulted from work.
Enough holidays or leave will be another therapy to the mental illnesses since it will give workers enough time to have fun and spend time with their loved ones.
In addition, it will allow workers to regain energy that they have drained during the working days thus rejuvenating greatly.
Without delving into this pressing issue and having a comprehensive discussion that will lead to getting solutions, the rate of mental health issues will keep rising.
Health is wealth, a mental health issue to be solved in the first place.
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