10 things you should do before turning 30

Mar 30, 2023 - 07:43
By Edith. O. Virginia One thing that happens before you turn 30, is you learn stuff and lucky for you if you are a talker because you will want others to learn in the same manner, so, you teach. Confirming that, a lot of research went into these findings; here's a list of things you should do before you turn 30. 1. Learn the basics of cooking This will add to your lifespan don't be the dad or mum that didn't know how to cook in their twenties and now the kids have to suffer eating miserable food. For example, before you turn thirty at least know that you do not throw onions and garlic in the pan at the same time because the garlic will cook faster. [caption id="attachment_16039" align="alignnone" width="1600"]30th birthday cake. |Photo| Courtesy| 30th birthday cake. |Photo| Courtesy|[/caption] 2. Hack your hangovers Thirty is the age you realize a lot of things and once you get there you know it's time to reduce alcohol intake. Alcohol slows you down, and at a certain age, it's just mandatory that you reduce your consumption. This is the healthiest way to avoid a hangover. 3. Listen to new music It's kinda weird that when you get to your thirties you'd simply start liking jazz or Rhumba automatically, am here to tell you to change the narrative. Music transforms with every season try finding a new niche once in a while you are not old, just 30! 4. Embrace your unhinged behaviours Remember when in your 20s you'd do things and think what if this happens and they find out. When you get to 30 you are a new being a person who doesn't care what everyone has to say. Living under nobody's shadows you are your own man now do whatever makes you happy. 5. Take lots of photos The idea is to show it all off when you can, how so you may ask? When they say life begins at 40, taking photos happens in your thirties so that when you turn 40 you relive moments. Remember, being 18 and thinking you looked like a potato and now your body is defined and your features are popping because you age like fine wine and when you look at the photos you can feel the glow? Well, the same thing may happen when you are 40 take advantage of every glow. 6. Own outfits that can be defined as smart or cool This is the age where you'd get invited to many serious occasions with your friends. The weddings, the dowry ceremonies, new baby in the building ensure you have a classic collection of neat outfits that only come out to play during such occasions. Don't be the boring 30-year-old spice up your collection early enough. [caption id="attachment_16041" align="alignnone" width="794"]Illustration of a 30th birthday celebration. |Photo| Courtesy| Illustration of a 30th birthday celebration. |Photo| Courtesy|[/caption] 7. Be in a relationship or not The idea of being in a relationship is to at least ensure that you are 75% happy with your partner most of the time. People assume that you should have already settled at thirty am here for the idea that it's your life you make the choices. 8. Read more books The more you read you'll realize how difficult it gets to come up with an original thought. What that means is you will then be able to reuse other people's originality in your own way. People around you will expect you to be wise and make the best decisions you won't always know what to do but a book you read could come in handy with the right idea. 9. Drink more water Prioritize your health at all costs, as we had said earlier avoid alcohol consumption and if you can't at least regulate your intake. 10. Set boundaries It may seem like a selfish move but you have your responsibility as yourself now so ensure you are refilling a cup you use to refill others as well. Treat yourself in equal measure of love

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