Needy students granted admission in government 100 percent transition drive

Jan 28, 2024 - 14:02
Needy students granted admission in government 100 percent transition drive
Omokonge Sub-location area Assistant Chief in Nyamache Sub County, Kisii County Alfred Sossi (in red) delivers two siblings to St. Charles Kabeo Day Mixed Secondary school during a mop up to ensure 100 percent transition on Friday, January 26, 2024. He was accompanied by Gabriel Onseri Nyakweba, a senior village elder and the children's single mother. (Photo by Jefferson Volka).


 Sunday, January 28, 2024

 KNA by Jane Naitore

Two needy siblings on Friday gained admission to Form One at St Charles Kabeo Mixed Day Secondary School in Omokonge Sublocation, Nyamache Sub Countyi in Kisii County, in government administration mop up towards achieving 100 percent transition. 

The move initiated by area Assistant Chief Alfred Sossi saw the two who scored 169 and 235 respectively escorted to the school accompanied by their single mother.

Gabriel Onseri Nyakweba, a senior village elder said they had collaborated with the area Assistant Chief to conduct a thorough mop up in the village to ensure that all Kenya Certificate Primary Education (KCPE) exam candidates reported to school.

St. Charles Kabeo Principal Daniel Maganda welcomed the two and acknowledged the area administartor’s role in identifying and assisting deserving cases within the community.

Maganda however cited various challenges at the school saying the institution was grappling with a shortage of teachers, relying on Board of Management (BOM) teachers, and facing inadequacies in facilities and learning materials.

Maganda noted that managing two Form One streams with a population of 180 students most of whose parents were in economic hardship was not easy.

He appealed to the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and county bursary, and well-wishers for assistance.

Maganda appealed to the government to allocate more resources to ensure sustainability in retention of those from very poor backgrounds. 

Courtesy; KNA 

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