Governor Achani urges youths to shun violence, embrace peace

Jul 7, 2024 - 15:22
Governor Achani urges youths to shun violence, embrace peace
Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani called on the youths to shun violence and embrace peace for the overall economic development and progress of the coastal county.


Sunday, July 7, 2024

KNA by Hussein Abdullahi

Kwale County Governor Fatuma Achani has urged the youths to shun violence and embrace peace for the overall economic development and progress of the coastal county.

Achani says it’s high time for the young people to realize that there is no alternative to peace and stop acts that will scare away investors.

The coastal county boss called on the residents to continue to work for unity of the county and country as a way of ensuring peace, progress and development of the nation.

She spoke at Diani forest lodge when she met representatives of youth groups and asked them to work together and bring peace in the county.

“It is only when we have peace and tranquility that we can realize social and economic growth and have a conducive atmosphere to live in,” she said, noting that the country must remain one.

The Governor’s call comes at a time Kwale and the country at large have witnessed weeks of protests, spearheaded by Generation Z.

“We need to be fair to our president because he has now withdrawn the contentious finance bill, so let us give him time to put everything in order,” she said.

Achani further urged the youths not to be used by selfish politicians who want to take advantage of the situation and cause mayhem in the country.

“It’s imperative for all and sundry to note that this country cannot be built through violence so let’s embrace dialogue and move the nation forward,” said Achani.

At the heart of the unrest was the 2024 Financial Bill in which the national government sought to raise an additional Sh391 billion through increased taxes but has since been shelved.

She urged the youths to take charge of their future albeit in a peaceful manner describing them as the future leaders of the country.

Achani urged the youths to participate actively in meaningful activities that were geared towards nation-building.

She urged the youth to resist any attempt to derail the prevailing peace and security of lives and property in the county and the country.

Achani noted that every resident has a duty to ensure peace since it is a prerequisite for businesses to thrive.

She called on the police to crackdown on criminal gangs taking advantage of the anti-finance bill protests to reign terror on residents and businesses.

The Governor accompanied by Msambweni MP Feisal Bader later issued a total of Sh 14 million bursary to 1552 needy students at various tertiary institutions.

She also issued a further Sh. 1.3 million to 134 youth pursuing mechanical and driving courses.

The leaders alleged that recent protests in Diani and some parts of Kwale were sponsored by political losers in the August 2022 general election and civil society activists.

Achani and Bader condemned protests in Diani, following the passage of the finance bill by Members of the national Assembly that led to massive destruction of property, loss of lives and closure of businesses in Diani, a tourist resort town.

Achani termed the demonstrations in Kwale as politically motivated that gave room for the criminal gangs in Diani to reign terror on the residents and visitors negatively affecting the tourism sector.

The Governor further put on notice civil society groups operating in Kwale alleging that some were used to sponsor protests that turned out to be destructive hugely affecting the economic hub of Kwale.

"Let these local civil society organizations do their jobs of safeguarding human rights not to be used to settle political scores and if they continue with these mind games otherwise will ask the relevant authorities to investigate them for economic sabotage,” said Achani.

Achani disclosed that as the County Chief she whipped all the four MPs from Kwale to vote yes for the withdrawn finance bill due to the myriad of challenges Kwale County is facing compared to other regions.

"Our challenges are unique as Kwale unlike any other region and we need to support the national government to benefit from mega projects that stalled and with the discussion we had with the President recently we expected that Kwale-Kinango road, Funzi and Mwachande bridges could be completed this year but for now we are not even sure following the rejection of the bill,” she said.

MP Bader said that he does not regret voting yes for the finance bill saying that he did that for the interest of Kwale and Msambweni that had been marginalized by previous regimes.

Bader asked residents to give President William Ruto time to implement his development agenda to the electorate, indicating that Kwale County will benefit immensely from his leadership.

Courtesy; KNA 

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