Man who paid Sh30 tip after defiling girl, jailed for 30 years

Jan 26, 2024 - 12:46
Man who paid Sh30 tip after defiling girl, jailed for 30 years


Friday January 26, 2024

KNA by Lavinia Nungari/ Kimani Tirus

A 49-year-old man who was found guilty of defiling a 10-year-old girl, was on Thursday sentenced to serve 29 years in prison by a Loitoktok court.

The accused, Hassan Musa, was convicted of the defilement by Principal Magistrate, Judicaster Nthuku, for the offense that was committed on June 26, last year at Impiron area, in Loitoktok Sub-county.

 While testifying before the court the minor narrated how on the material day, she met the accused while on her way back home after an errand, her sister had sent her to collect some money from her uncle.

The minor narrated how the accused lured her to follow him to get something in a house where the crime took place.

She told the Court that while they were inside the house, Musa undressed her and defiled her before releasing her and giving her Sh30.

The Court heard that when she reached home that evening, her mother, Patricia Nzilani, was told the girl had the said amount of money and proceeded to beat her up after she was reluctant to say where she had gotten the money from.

She explained how the accused gave her the money after defiling her and the matter was reported at Loitoktok Police Station while the minor was escorted to Loitoktok hospital for medical examination, which confirmed she was defiled.

 The accused was subsequently arrested and charged with the offense, which he denied in Court.

In his defense, the accused said he was framed by the girl's mother, after he demanded Sh 20, 000 he had given her as a loan.

However, the Court faulted his defense, citing that he never raised the issue of money during cross-examination.

The Court found the prosecution had proved the case beyond reasonable doubt, hence the sentence.

Principal Magistrate Nthuku, had sentenced him to 30 years imprisonment, however, the Court deducted one year for the six months spent in prison during trial.

The accused was granted 14 days of Right to Appeal against the sentence.

Courtesy; KNA 



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