Government Steps Up Efforts to Tackle Housing Crisis

Sep 9, 2024 - 15:08
Sep 9, 2024 - 16:44
Government Steps Up Efforts to Tackle Housing Crisis

By Robert Mutasi 

The government is making a significant strides toward addressing the country's housing crisis, with an ambitious plan to eliminate slums and provide dignified living spaces for all citizens.

President William Ruto's administration is spearheading the Affordable Housing Programme, a key initiative aimed at ensuring that all Kenyans, particularly those living in informal settlements, have access to decent homes with proper social amenities. 

One of the most notable projects under this initiative is the Kibera Soweto East Affordable Housing Project which is well underway in Nairobi County. 

The first phase of the project, consisting of 4,054 housing units, is currently under construction and expected to provide much-needed housing for residents of Kibera, one of Africa's largest informal settlements.

President William Ruto reiterated the government's commitment to improving living conditions for Kenyans during a recent inspection of the ongoing construction. 

"We are determined to eliminate slums from our cities and towns to ensure Kenyans live in decent, dignified homes with guaranteed social amenities," he said.

The president added that the government is moving swiftly to expand the program, with Phase II of the Kibera project, which will provide 15,000 units, set to begin by the end of 2024.

The larger Phase III,is expected to deliver 20,000 additional units, will commence in January, 2025.

In addition to Kibera project, the government has plans to build 40,000 housing units to accomodate families displaced from riparian reserves in Nairobi. These families, who were moved to make way for environmental conservation efforts, will soon benefit from safe, affordable housing within the city.

The inspection of Kibera project was attended by several key government officials, including Lands and Housing Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome, Nairobi Governor Sakaja Johnson, and Lang'ata MP Phelix Odiwuor alias Jalang'o.

The Affordable Housing Programme is a central part of President Ruto's broader The Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda(BETA) , which aims to uplift low-income Kenyans by providing them with improved access to housing, healthcare, and education. 

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