Maara MP lauds government’s review of delocalization of teachers

Jan 16, 2024 - 14:51
Maara MP lauds government’s review of delocalization of teachers
New ablution block at Kianjagi Primary School in Maara Constituency.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

KNA by Sharon Gitau

Maara Member of Parliament (MP), Kareke Mbiuki, has hailed the government ‘s efforts to review delocalization of teachers, saying the move will boost performance and ensure teachers are motivated and are always available in schools and readily accessible to learners. 

Mbiuki thus appealed to the Teacher Service Commission (TSC) to guarantee transferring of teachers, who are serving far away from their home back to schools nearer to their localities.

 Mbiuki revealed that the Constituencies have started receiving bursaries to support needy bright students.

He disclosed that those who scored 300 marks and above in KCPE will receive an automatic bursary of Sh 10,000 every year from form one to form four.

 Similarly, those joining Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) institutes, will receive Sh5,000 each, while those attending day secondary schools, will receive a minimum of Sh3,000.

The Legislator further divulged that each sub-location has been allocated Sh 400,000 to be distributed to needy students who have not received money from any other sponsorship programme by an elected sub-location bursary Committee.

The MP was speaking, Monday, when he commissioned modern ablution block at Kianjagi Primary School.

 Mbiuki noed that there is need to move away from the old pit latrines and embrace modern ablution fitted with shower rooms, in a bid to enhance sanitation.

Mbiuki pointed out that the old latrines were affected by heavy rainfalls which could sometimes cause them to sink or damaged beyond safe use.

Maara MP Kareke Mbiuki opening a sanitation block at Kianjagi Primary School in Maara Constituency.

Courtesy; KNA 


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