PWDS, youths and women urged to form groups to benefit from government funds

Jan 23, 2024 - 18:27
PWDS, youths and women urged to form groups to benefit from government funds
A person with disabilities, during a sensitization meeting at Maua, Igembe South Sub-county.


Tuesday, January 23, 2024,

KNA by Kamanja Maeria

 The Igembe South Uwezo Fund Officer-In-Charge, Miss Murithi Casty has urged persons with disabilities, youths and women to form and register groups to benefit from various government funds and grants.

She noted that with the current increasing rate of unemployment, there is a need for everyone to have an active and registered group, to access finances from the government to venture and promote businesses.

Murithi said that Uwezo Funds provide interest free loans to youths, women and PWDS, who have active accounts at the Sub-county level.

 She urged youths, PWDS and women, to register their groups to benefit from government grants such as Uwezo Fund, Youth Fund and Women Fund.

 Miss Casty clarified that a group can have a minimum number of 10 individuals.           

 For Persons with disabilities, Miss Casty said, a group can comprise 70 percent registered PWDS,30 percent of non-disabled individuals with all the three officials being PWDS, adding that the policy also applies for youth and women groups.

She said that the government is committed to empower and support youths, women and PWDS through government funds and grants for economic equity and development in the country.

She also called upon PWDS and the parents of the children with disabilities to take advantage of the government funds, to start projects that can create employment opportunities instead of begging in the streets.

 Murithi said that a group can get a minimum of Sh 50,000 as their first loan and the amount doubles, after the repayment of the first loan.

The Officer explained that the group is given a grace period of six months and then repay the loan within 24 months for the group to qualify for another loan.

She further urged youths to engage themselves in income generating activities such as poultry, crop farming among other activities through government funds rather than idling waiting for scarce white-collar jobs.

“Youths should convert their music and dancing group among other social groups into self-help groups and apply for government funds, start business and earn a livelihood rather than depending on parents even after completing their tertiary studies,’’ Advised the officer.

Courtesy; KNA 




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