Children set to benefit from new ECDE

Jan 29, 2024 - 10:04
Children set to benefit from new ECDE
Children set to benefit from new ECDE


Sunday, January 28, 2024

KNA by Peter Gitonga

Hundreds of children in Angarabat village of Katilu Ward are set to benefit from a new Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) centre to be constructed by the County Government.

This was stated by the Director for ECDE Ezekiel Kulal during the site handover to the contractor and official launch of the project.

“The contractor is expected to complete the project in the next three months in line with the contract details signed with the County Government,” Director Kulal explained.

Area MCA Etubon Samal who was also present said that due process of public participation had been followed in choosing the location of the project at Angarabat Primary School.

According to the MCA, the centre would ease pressure on the area’s parents who have had to do without an ECDE centre for the longest time possible.

“It is important to note that the centre will be constructed within Angarabat Primary School where ECDE learners have been learning under a tree within the school,” the MCA said.

The handover was witnessed by the ECDE parents and teacher Lilian Ekiru. Daniel Lotik (office of the MCA), Philip Longor (Senior teacher, Angarabat) and Barbra Ekai (Procurement).

Courtesy; KNA 






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