Religious leaders call for austerity measures

Jul 10, 2024 - 12:28
Religious leaders call for austerity measures
Photo: Courtesy.

Homa Bay

Wednesday,10th July 2024,

KNA by Davis Langat

A section of Muslim leaders in Homa Bay county have urged those in government to avoid extravagant and wasteful expenditure in a bid to bring down the cost of living.

 The Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims Secretary in Homa Bay County Abdul Masud and Homa Bay Jamia Mosque Imam, Zainul Abidin blamed the high cost of living in the country to wanton waste and misappropriation of public funds.

Addressing journalists in Homa Bay town today, Masud expressed concerns that there are many unnecessary expenditures made by both National and county governments.

Masud argued that such expenditures were a burden to the already overtaxed Kenyans.

He said the recent widespread demonstrations by the Gen Z was an awakening on the need for prudent use of public funds.

“The Gen Z have enlightened Kenyans on the best way we should be governed. Let the government stop unnecessary expenditure to reduce the cost of living,” Masud said.

Abidin said the high cost of living should be addressed urgently to prevent tension in the country.

He challenged the political class to shun wasteful expenditures.

“The cost of living is a serious issue affecting Kenyans. I appeal to the government and all elected leaders to prioritize on coming up with solutions to tame inflation and create jobs.” Abidin said.

The leaders also called on Kenyans to maintain peace as they agitate for good governance.

Courtesy; KNA 



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