Govt officials assess road network to schools before exams

Oct 26, 2023 - 13:49
Govt officials assess road network to schools before exams


Thursday, October 26, 2023

KNA by Moseti Julius

Government officials in Rachuonyo South Sub County led by Deputy County Commissioner David Kiprop have assessed the state of roads network leading to various schools ahead of the start of national examinations next week.

The assessment is meant to help take urgent measures to necessitate easy transportation of exam materials to exams centres next week.

DCC Kiprop called for joint efforts by both Homabay County and Kasipul Constituency National Government-Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) to fix some of the roads that are not accessible and just needed the unblocking of the water drainage system and de-siltation to make them passable.

The Chiefs’ situation report on the status of roads delivered earlier from the locations however show a number of roads are in good condition except a few like Kosele- Simbiri roads, Namba Saye –Aramo roads, Kawaindi –Nyandiwa road which are inaccessible and the team had already taken note.   

The DCC said the assessment will also help to plan in advance the best routes to take, or even the kind of vehicles to use in order to deliver the exam materials in time.

During the assessment the DCC was accompanied by Lilies Wachira, the sub county police commander, David Nate, the sub county Critical Infrastructure Protection unit(CIPU) commander, Lonny Rapemo, Kasipul NG-CDF chairperson and Julius Opondo, the sub county director for education.

Courtesy; KNA



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