Youths vow to end criminal gangs

Aug 15, 2024 - 17:34
Youths vow to end criminal gangs

By Robert Mutasi 

Youths in Nakuru County have decided to join their hands in order to fight insecurity that is organized by criminal gangs.

Youths in collaboration with the scouts started the campaign of convincing youths to engage in fruitful projects and to shun from criminal activities. 

Nakuru has reported several cases of crime from various criminal gangs, especially from the famous one known as " CONFIRM".

The criminals have been undertaking their activities in the county and beyond for many years. 

One of the campaigns youths started is making sensitization among youths in various estates to join environment clubs that deal with planting trees particularly fruit trees. 

The campaign mostly targeted the estate that had reported criminal cases for years. 

Shauri Yako, Kaloleni, Kivumbini are the estates that are targeted by youths for sensitization since they have been known for criminal gangs. 

Many youths from Kivumbini estate have joined the youths group as a way of abstaining from criminal activities. 

Youths vowed to continue with the campaign until the criminal cases are eradicated.

They are committed to planting fruit trees in schools that will benefit the learners. 

One of the utmost aims of the campaign is to save youths from engaging in harmful activities that will ruin their future. 

They believe their voices as youths will get the attention of many youths and see many joining the campaign. 

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