Governor Wamatangi issues ultimatum to KWS over hyena attacks in Kiambu

Sep 10, 2024 - 14:28
Governor Wamatangi issues ultimatum to KWS over hyena attacks in Kiambu
Kiambu County Governor Kimani Wamatangi. Photo/Courtesy.

By Robert Mutasi 

Kiambu County Governor, Kimani Wamatangi, has engaged the Kenya Wildlife Service in a war of words over hyena attacks in his county, even as he issued an ultimatum to the latter. 

Speaking to the press on September 10, 2024, Wamatangi articulated frustration with the ongoing threat from wild animals that have increasingly become a danger to people living in the area, especially children.

"We have given KWS our final warning. We don't want to discuss these matters anymore. We are saying they should come and take action immediately, and not just talk," the governor said emphatically. 

His remarks came amid growing concerns that the government agency has been slow in addressing the problem, leading to a surge in attacks by hyenas, which have terrorized villages in Kiambu County.

Wamatangi said the people of Kiambu could not be compromised where safety and security were concerned. 

"If we don't have the security to make sure these hyenas are not killing people, then we will organize ourselves and say we must protect the lives of our children," he said.

The governor's impassionate request mirrored the growing discontent and panic in the local communities, many of whose residents have lost cattle and loved ones to the attacks. 

A number of residents have reported fatal encounters with the wild animals, adding to the growing sense of urgency for a lasting solution.

Wamatangi also made it clear that the county government was prepared to take matters into its own hands if KWS did not respond adequately.

"Otherwise, we are ready, and as the Governor, I have said that I will be at the forefront, along with my people here in Kiambu, as we resist," he said. 

The governor assured his people that their security was his number one priority, adding that if KWS failed to yield to their demands, then he would not hesitate to act decisively.

The situation remains dire, with residents maintaining vigilance as the hope for quick interventions perhaps averting further loss of life lingers in the air.

What the governor has done has resonated with many in the county, for whom the expectation of necessary security from local leadership against an increasing threat has been rising.

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