Cheetahs maul goats in Kajiado

May 19, 2023 - 14:45
Cheetahs maul goats in Kajiado

Kajiado, Thursday May 18, 2023

KNA by Rop Janet

A farmer in Illoldokilani Ward, Kajiado West, is counting losses after six cheetahs attacked and mauled five goats to death at his farm.

Ken Matampash, said the attack occurred in broad daylight and he could have lost more livestock were it not for his shepherd dogs which fought back the wild cats killing one.

He revealed that he was shocked by the incident and wondered where the cheetahs came from, as they are not common in the area.

 “I am lucky because I have shepherd dogs that fought the cheetahs, preventing them from attacking more goats. Without the dogs, we would be counting more losses now,” he said.

Matampash revealed that the goats that were killed were of a rare breed and they were valued at Sh. 100,000.

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) confirmed the attack, adding that officers have been sent to the farm to access the damage.

“The KWS officials have come over to assess the damage and hope they will speed up compensation claim for the goats,” Matampash said.

The attack on his farm is not the first one by wild animals as early this year, Matampash lost more than Sh. 20 million in after stray elephants invaded his farm, destroying crops, tanks and water pipes

Human -wildlife conflict in Kajiado is a common occurrence as the County is surrounded by three national parks; Nairobi, Amboseli and Tsavo.

Barely a week ago, six lions were killed at Imbirikani, Kajiado South by herders, after the pride attacked and killed 11 goats and a dog.

The incident came hot on the heels of another tragic incident in which four lions were also speared to death by herders, bringing the total number of lions killed in the Amboseli Ecosystem in a week to ten.

The killings of the lions was part of a retaliatory attack, following a night invasion that resulted in the loss of livestock.

Local residents have protested at how wild animals have been straying into human settlements, causing destruction and accused KWS of responding late and not compensating them for their losses.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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