Concerns over presidential debate format

Mar 30, 2023 - 07:47
By Moses Ngahu The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) in conjunction with media houses will host a presidential debate before the August 9, 2022, general election. According to reports, a section of media stakeholders had suggested that they lock out fringe candidates and only allow two strong candidates to present their manifestos and campaign policies. However, taking such a move will be unfair to all other candidates who wish to present their views and manifestos to the general public. It is evident that this year's presidential race is a two-horse race competition but the public has the right to listen to any leader interested in the presidential seat. The debate platform will benefit all Kenyans as they will hear what the leaders have in store for them and what changes they will be making to make life better. [caption id="attachment_16218" align="alignnone" width="1280"]Roots Party of Kenya leader Prof. George Wajackoyah gestures during an interview at Cara House in Karen on February 17, 2022 . |Courtesy| Francis Nderitu| Roots Party of Kenya leader Prof. George Wajackoyah gestures during an interview at Cara House in Karen on February 17, 2022. |Courtesy| Francis Nderitu|[/caption] Professor George Wajakoyah, who is one of the presidential aspirants said that the current constitution is not beneficial to all Kenyans but was introduced to suit several individuals in power. It is considered an elitist document only for the few and designed to serve their needs and greed. "The constitution should benefit everyone and not the chosen few. Most Kenyans have no idea about the current constitution. They don’t understand how the constitution can benefit them and I believe the trend should change. Understanding the constitutions makes you aware of what leaders and those in power are supposed to do to better the lives of the citizens. "What is the importance of a constitution if the arms of the government keep fighting among themselves at the expense of the taxpayers. The Executive continues to corrupt the Legislature while on the other hand the Judiciary is considered compromised on the basis of the highest bidder getting away. These are some of the reasons why all presidential candidates should be given a chance to air their views and how they intend to change these issues," Prof Wajackoyah stated. "There are countries across the world that operate without a written constitution including Israel, Canada, New Zealand, and Britain. One should understand that a country's leadership doesn’t matter and who leads the country doesn’t matter but what standards of being led are," he added. Prof Wajakoyah in his manifesto assured Kenyans that if elected President, he will legalise marijuana, arguing that the sale of the plant would hep Kenya clear its existing debts. He further argued that Bhang is a highly addictive drug and yet leaders from around the world are pushing to make it legal for commercial use. Wajakoyah says that bang is just like tobacco, alcohol, miraa and the rest and he intends to sensitize the youth on the effects of the drug. If chosen, he intends to ensure the cultivation of bhang will be done in a controlled environment. "It is not a matter of being legal or for those who smoke for pleasure. It is important to legalize bhang and put in supportive legislation to oversee the growth," he said. Wajackoyah is a Kenyan born in Mumias, Western Kenya. He says he found himself as a street child in Nairobi and by the grace of God he ended up in Hare Krishna temple where he started going to school and later became a policeman. He says his commitment and hard work helped him rise to the rank of detective. He says he is a true believer in the rule of law.

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