County committed to supporting children

Jun 17, 2023 - 20:50
County committed to supporting children
Justice Teresia Matheka (in floral kitenge and yellow neck scarf) and Busia County leadership during a procession to mark the National Celebrations for the Day of the African Child that was held at Mungatsi Primary school in Nambale Sub County on June 16, 2023.

Busia, Saturday, June 17, 2023

KNA by Salome Alwanda

Busia Deputy Governor Arthur Odera has expressed the County Government’s commitment to protecting children’s interests.

Speaking during the forum to mark the Day of the African Child in Nambale Sub County on Friday, Odera said that the process of making the children policy was ongoing.

"We are on course and before the end of this year, it will become a law," he said, adding that it would not only help to protect children's rights but also benefit from services from the County.

He added that the County was in the process of setting aside funds for purchasing assistive devices for all learning institutions from Early Childhood Education to secondary schools.

“We are also in the process of starting the construction of a child protection centre in Busia,’ he said, saying that this would provide safe places for children under threat.

Busia Acting County Commissioner Kipchumba Ruto noted that a number of parents had delegated their responsibility to the digital platform.

Ruto warned those abusing children that they shall be investigated and if found culpable, they will face the full force of the law.

The Director of Rural Education and Empowerment Programme Mary Makokha urged parents to be keen on how their children use mobile phones.

Makokha argued that perpetrators use mobile phones to lure children before they defile them.

“Defilement in Busia is at another level and when your child disappears for around ten minutes, chances of finding her safe are very slim,” she said.

She urged the Judiciary to provide uniform and punitive sentences to perpetrators adding that there were a lot of kangaroo courts in the County.

“I want to thank chiefs for the good work they are doing, but some of them are still encouraging the use of kangaroo courts to settle cases of defilement,” she said.

The official urged the Busia court to provide sign language interpreters because many perpetrators were targeting children with disabilities.

“When a deaf child is defiled, there is no justice because the court cannot understand what she is saying,” she explained.

Makokha at the same time urged the County government to establish a forensic lab to avoid taking samples all the way to Kisumu for various tests.

“We want to ensure that these cases are fast-tracked by having a forensic laboratory,’ she said adding that there was a need of shelter for children who are defiled especially in incest cases.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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