Embrace Kitchen Garden, Says nutritionist

Sep 30, 2023 - 20:17
Embrace Kitchen Garden, Says nutritionist
Photo of a kitchen garden. (Photo caption by Lena Kanario).


Saturday September 30, 2023,

KNA by Kamanja Maeria

In a bid to address food and nutritional security matters, residents of Maua have been advised to embrace kitchen gardening so as to become self-reliant in the supply of fruits and vegetables.

Kitchen gardening involves using small and unutilised space around the home compound to grow vegetables as well as fruits.

Grace Safari, a nutritionist at Nyambene level 4 hospital, advised residents of Maua in towns and rural areas to utilise the available space to plant vegetables and fruits which are rich sources of vitamin B that helps our body make new red blood cells, minimise blood sugar spikes, prevent inflammation among other benefits.

She maintained that a kitchen garden does not need a lot of materials to make hence it is easy for everyone to have one.

With the increase of life-style diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer among others, Grace noted that there is a need for fresh and safe vegetables and fruits amid the rising incidents of cancer in the area.

 “Vegetables from farmers especially those who practice large skill farming are not safe for consumption due to herbicides used, with some not waiting for the recommended days specified in the label,’’ she said,

Safari added that a kitchen garden will not only guarantee access to a healthy diet containing a variety of nutrients from different kinds of vegetables and fruits to many families but also reduce the expenses used.

Courtesy; KNA



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