Low consumers to be favoured by firm’s upward tariff review

Apr 13, 2023 - 20:28
Low consumers to be favoured by firm’s upward tariff review
MUSWSCO MD Mary Nyaga during the tariff participation forum at a Kenol hotel, Murang’a Wednesday April 12, 2023. Photo by Florence Kinyua.

Murang’a, Thursday, April 13, 2023

K.N.A By Florence Kinyua

Majority of low consumers of Murang’a South Water and Sewerage Company Limited (MUSWASCO) will be favoured by the new tariffs that seeks to increase the amount of money that consumers pay per cubic meter of water.

Commercial and high consumers will pay more for their water consumption if the proposed tariff review is approved by the water services regulatory board (Wasreb)

Speaking Wednesday during a tariff public participation forum at a Kenol hotel, MUSWASCO Managing Director Mary Nyaga noted that the tariff review was necessitated by among other things the cost of inflation for inputs such as power cost, fuel, pipes and fittings, levies among other daily costs.

“It is also a regulatory requirement for water service providers(WSP) to have a valid tariff and the current one has been in operation from 2012 to date thus it is expired” she noted

Additionally, in order to meet financial obligations, and to ensure water connectivity to all households within Murang’a South, there was a need to review the tariff upwards” the MD added.

 Asset development, renewals and expansion of infrastructure are also factors that necessity review of water tariffs.

The new tariff seeks to do away with the block charges that were sh. 260 for 0-6 units to charge Sh. 107 per unit consumed.

However, the new structure does not impose any bill on consumption of zero units where consumers would previously pay Sh. 260 even if consumption was zero.

Moreover, consumers who have their water disconnected at the meter point will now part with Sh.1000 for reconnection from the current Sh.500, while those who have their water dis-connected at the mains will pay Sh5000 and double deposit for reconnection.

Muswasco serves Murang’as’ Kandara, Kigumo and Maragua sub- counties.

Water services regulatory Board (Wasreb) licensing monitoring director Eng. Peter Njagaah noted that the regulatory body ensures that the water firm establishes tariffs that balance commercial, social and ecological interests by ensuring water and sanitation access to all while allowing WSPS to recover justified costs.

“Every Kenyan citizen has a right to clean and sufficient water and as the water regulator, we only approve and recommend tariff according to the water act 2016 while ensuring consumer protection to disapprove unjustified costs,” he said.

Njaaga also took a swipe at politicians who are causing unnecessary water wrangles within the county by politicizing the issue of water, terming it unfortunate at a time when the country is keen on accelerating vision 2030 goal for water that seeks to ensure that improved water and sanitation are available and accessible to all.

There has been a brewing feud between Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company (MUWASCO) and Murang’a South Water and Sanitation Company (MUSWASCO) over the Sh.800 million Maragua dam project that the latter seeks to manage.

The new tariff awaits the final approval by the Water services regulatory board (Wasreb) before being gazetted before implementation.

Courtesy K.N.A 


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