NEMA to regulate sand harvesting through cooperatives

Jul 19, 2023 - 16:02
NEMA to regulate sand harvesting through cooperatives


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

KNA by Moseti Julius

Any sand harvesting activity must be subjected to environmental impact assessment, (EIA) Nyandoro Josiah, Director of Environment (NEMA) Homabay County has said.

The County Nema director said sand harvesting must also be licensed so that it can take place within a legal framework to reduce mass land degradation and ensure the environment is protected

Nyandoro was speaking to the media on Tuesday after a meeting held to deliberate on issues of unsustainable   sand harvesting in Rachuonyo North Sub County.

“In today’s meeting we were particularly looking at the possibility of residents on whose land sand harvesting is taking place can come together to form cooperatives,” Nyandoro said.

He said the reason for forming mining cooperatives is to ensure the pricing of sand per lorry/tipper is regulated to protect the sand owners from exploitation and also enhance regulation of sand harvesting.

The director said through cooperatives they will also be able to help rehabilitate the sand harvesting sites after the whole process of harvesting has been exhausted in order to protect the environment.

“Upon rehabilitation the environment will be retained as near as possible to the original state,” he said.

He said the meeting   lined up    a series of public participation events around sand harvesting locations beginning this month of July, 2023 to capacity build residents on sustainable development.  

The county Nema officer also said they plan in the same events to sensitize residents on the need to form the mining /quarry cooperatives so that by the end of the day we can have a cleaner and healthy environment as enshrined in article 42 of the constitution of Kenya 2010.

Felix Nyandega Rachuonyo North sub county Cooperative Officer said for one to join the  mining/quarry cooperatives which will be formed after mapping out sand harvesting areas followed by  community sensitization  ,the individual must be aged at least 18 years and  above  and  must be a land owner ,sand harvester or loader ,or somebody doing business related to mining.

The Nema official urged all stakeholders on environment to do what they can even at individual level to safeguard the environment for the benefit of the current and future generations.

He also called for partners in environmental matters to help in the rehabilitation of the areas where sand has been harvested.

Courtesy K.N.A 

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