Nyeri Ward representatives push for individuals living with disabilities

Dec 6, 2023 - 16:17
Nyeri Ward representatives push for individuals living with disabilities
The chairperson of the committee on delegated legislation Lucy Wanyitu during a meeting between the committee and the county department for gender on Wednesday at the county assembly. The MCAs are pushing for the establishment of a special PWD fund.


Wednesday, December 6, 2023,

KNA by Wangari Mwangi

The Nyeri County Assembly is advocating for the creation of a special Persons with Disabilities fund and is pushing for its establishment.

Lucy Wanyitu, chairperson of the committee on delegated legislation, suggests that if established, the fund will be housed in the county Department for Gender, Youth, and Social Services. “We want a fund set aside to organize events and also enable us to conduct our trainings instead of always going to sponsors for help,” said Wanyitu.

The recommendation is part of proposed regulations for Nyeri County Persons Living with Disability Act 2022, discussed at a meeting between the committee and the County department for gender.

The Act which was passed in 2022 is yet to be fully implemented due to lack of regulations. The act addresses issues of employment of PWDs, and access to critical services such as health and also gives autonomy for PWD issues to be addressed separately from those of women and youth. Currently, women youth and PWDs are clustered as one group.

Ward representatives are advocating for the inclusion of medical personnel training on new Ministry of Health disability guidelines to ensure PWDs' rights to health services and seamless county registration. “Without rules or regulations, an Act cannot be implemented and therefore that is why we are working hard to come up with regulations. The guidelines merge both levels of government and will define how both governments can work together to ensure that people with disability are catered for. Once it comes into effect, both governments can be sued for failing to follow the provisions,” said Wanyitu. 

Courtesy; KNA 




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