The paradox of the ignorant elite

Jul 6, 2023 - 21:58
The paradox of the ignorant elite

By Mwalimu Kioko

I am always amazed by how the less enlightened society get more enthusiastic on matters of political leadership than the elite. No wonder politicians ignore the latter.

The "common man" wages a more robust debate and even exhibit more knowledge about the candidates. He is well armed with reasons for or against a particular candidate.

Never mind, some of the reasons are laughable. On the other hand, the enlightened society exhibit less enthusiasm, sometimes even contempt towards the process. They are cynical and seem more resigned to fate than their counterparts.

I then realized that the apathy of the elite is attributable to the less physical interaction with the society and with one another due to their busy schedules. Effectively, they have absconded (by default) their natural role to provide guidance. Yet they seem at a loss and only keep on lamenting of poor leadership. 

Of the elite who are seriously involved, most of them are opportunists. They employ their resources to mobilize the less enlightened who luckily for them are easier to manipulate around their preferred candidates. They expect to be repaid with favours once the candidate assumes office.

While the ordinary men are easily gathered in the towns and the market centres, the elite has lacked a common forum while others are simply indifferent ostensibly because at their individual level, they somehow seem cushioned from the struggles facing the poor and hence lack a compelling reason to bother.

.......what a tragedy!!? Those with eyes are blind.

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