All set for national examinations in Murang’a

Oct 12, 2023 - 14:07
All set for national examinations in Murang’a
Murang’a County Director of Education Ms Anne Kiilu. She says a total of 31,269 candidates in Murang’a are expected to sit for Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) this year.


Thursday, October 12, 2023

KNA by Bernard Munyao

A total of 31,269 candidates in Murang’a are expected to sit for Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) this year.

Among the candidates, 15,454 are boys while 15,815 are girls with the county director of education Anne Kiilu saying the KCSE examinations will be conducted in 343 centres.

On Thursday, Kiilu confirmed to KNA that 27,214 candidates from the county will be sitting for Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

 “There are 611 centres for conducting KCPE exams while Kenya Primary School Education assessment (KPSEA) will be conducted in 626 centres,” she stated.

Kiilu continued “grade six candidates who will sit for KPSEA in the county Kiilu are 24,383, where 12,630 are boys and 11,753 are girls.”

The director further observed 19 centres will be used to conduct Kenya Immediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA) for children with special needs.

“A total of 74 candidates with special needs are expected to sit for KILEA where among them are 34 girls and 40 boys,” she added.

Kiilu confirmed that teachers and officers who will be involved have been inducted to ensure the county delivers credible examinations.

 “In manning this year’s examinations, there are some changes, especially touching the collection of examination papers from containers. For KCPE papers, they will be collected twice a day where papers to be done in morning hours will be collected at 7am and the afternoon papers will be picked at 12.30pm,” she stated.

Kiilu added that as it has been a trend to avoid malpractices, invigilators and supervisors are not supposed to have mobile phones at examination centres.

“Police officers and centre managers are also limited to using phones while manning exams.” She remarked saying for the last four years, Murang’a County has not reported any exam malpractice.

The director assured that the department of education has brought in other relevant departments to assist with resources like vehicles to support delivery of examination papers and also in monitoring the progress of exams.

“Sitting rehearsals for KCPE and KPSEA exams will be on October 27 while the exams will be done from October 30 to November 1.

“For KCSE sitting rehearsals will be on October 19 and then the following week there will be projects, practical and orals before writing in examinations commencing on November 6,” explained the director.

Courtesy; KNA


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