Belgian organization to support grassroots production of hydro-power

Jun 18, 2023 - 06:29
Belgian organization to support grassroots production of hydro-power
HydroBox CEO Thomas Poelmans speaking during the launching of the Gitugi hydropower plant in Murang'a

Murang’a, Saturday, June 17, 2023

KNA by Bernard Munyao

A Belgium based organization has plans to support production of hydroelectric power in some of the local villages in remote areas.

Chief Executive Officer of HydroBox Organization Mr. Thomas Poelmans has said by the year 2027, they were targeting to connect more than one million Kenyans to locally produced hydro power.

He observed his organization would continue funding small hydropower projects at villages to assist connection of less disadvantaged in respective localities with cheap electric power.

The CEO spoke on Friday during the launching of the Gitugi Hydropower plant, previously known as Magiro power station in Mathioya Sub County.

The power plant with a capacity to generate about 640 Kilowatts was innovated by a local resident, Joseph Magiro a few years ago but later got a boost to also tap solar power.

Poelmans observed that with their input, they managed to improve Magiro’s power plant from generating 47 kilowatts to the current situation where the plant located along river Mathioya now produces power to connect more than 3, 000 end-users.

The CEO said by the end of this year they would sponsor three other similar projects in Murang’a County which in total would have capacity to produce more than 1 megawatt.

“My organization is working to ensure those people in rural areas and those who cannot access electric power from the national grid can access locally produced electric power. The projects are hybrid such that they can generate power from water and also get a complement from solar panels. Such projects will ensure the disadvantages in society also get connected to electric power,” explained Poelmans.

The CEO said despite electrification in Kenya being high at around 70 percent coverage, there were still some rural areas which have no access to electric power.

He noted by supporting innovations like that of Magiro, individuals and institutions where Kenya Power Company has not reached could access power.

“Power produced in these local stations is cheap by about 20 percent compared to the rates charged by KPC. The innovations can go a long way to complement what the government is doing in availing power to the majority of Kenyans,” he added.

His sentiments were echoed by Chief Executive Officer of NETFUND group Mr. Samon Toniok who praised Magiro’s innovation which has seen more than 300 local homesteads get power connection.

NETFUND, he said, came in to support the initiative by providing some needed materials to ensure the power plant increases production of hydropower.

“On our part, we sponsored in making the plant to be hybrid by tapping solar to increase the produced kilowatts. I request other organizations to sponsor such innovations as they are aimed to solve some challenges facing common mwananchi,” said Toniok.

He continued, “We appeal for similar stations to be done in areas with this kind of topography and Permanent Rivers. This will ensure production of clean energy as well as mitigation of climate change since our trees will be spared from being sourced as fuel.”

On his part, Magiro said his idea to come up with the power station was influenced by a bicycle dynamo and mobilized resources and tapped water from the local river where initially he produced seven kilowatts.

He said he would continue to partner with more organizations to increase production of power and supply to more end users.

“Currently, the power being produced is more than the one needed by customers. Am seeking support to enable families which are as far as five kilometres from the power plant to get connected to electricity,” added Magiro.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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