Bishop Urges National and County Governments to Combat Cancer

Dec 14, 2023 - 14:27
Bishop Urges National and County Governments to Combat Cancer


Thursday, December 14, 2023

KNA by Milton Onyango

The national and county governments have been urged to institute measures to enhance cancer treatment and care in the villages.

The plea has been made by Bishop Cyprian Kodienya of Mount Moriah Outreach International Church in Kisumu. 

 “As a cancer survivor, it is my very humble plea to especially the county and national governments to institute mechanisms of making cancer drugs available and accessible at the grassroots and in the local government health facilities where the majority access them because reports are rife that the majority in the villages are not accessing the medication and asked caregivers to create awareness among the locals that cancer is treatable and provide an evaluation center and provide caregivers,” said Kodienya. 

Kodienya decried that those suffering from cancer in the villages find it difficult to access medication and care.

“People are suffering yet you find others claiming cancer patients as having beliefs they can't find help hence if the government wants to fight the scourge it must equip cancer caregivers in the villages with the necessary medication, food, and resources to provide proper health care so that they can have better lives,” said Kodienya. 

 Bishop Kodienya also expressed fear over the growing number of cancer patients in the country calling for urgent intervention by the government.

 “The big crisis facing Kenya now is the huge number of cancer patients exceeding even those of tropical diseases like malaria and those of us in the villages now can't access health care let alone food,” noted Kodienya. 

 Kodienya pointed out that he has become a staunch cancer crusader having been a victim of the disease.

“There’s a time I was bedridden of cancer from 2010 but God came to my rescue and I was healed and I believe God can still perform the miracle for others and completely heal such victims,” added Kodienya

Courtesy; KNA 



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