Cheruiyot, Madzayo reveal why MPs take home less than Sh10, 000 in salaries

Apr 12, 2023 - 08:42
Apr 12, 2023 - 10:37
Cheruiyot, Madzayo reveal why MPs take home less than Sh10, 000 in salaries

Two Senators on Tuesday revealed that most Members of Parliament (MPs) take home less than Sh10, 000 in salaries every month.

Majority leader in the Senate Aaron Cheruiyot and the Minority leader Stewart Madzayo said once an MP is elected, she or she is advised to invest as a fall back financial plan when out of Parliament.

"The other story they wouldn’t tell you and I can reveal this because I have been a commissioner at the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) is that 95% to maybe 97% of Parliamentarians take home less that Sh10, 000. It is the first rule of survival in politics they teach you once you get to Parliament,” said Cheruiyot while being hosted on Citizen TV’s News Night Show on Tuesday night.

"Where does the rest of the money go to?” queried show host Waihiga Mwaura.

“Mortgages and other commitments which in the long run become very useful because when you are out of Parliament; whatever you bought with that investment is perhaps the only thing that you will have to show for your term in Parliament. Commit your salary so that your brain can work and think of other ways of surviving,” added the Majority leader. Senator Madzayo fully agreed with him.

“The first rule when you come to Parliament, commit your salary because you never know, once you leave Parliament and you haven’t committed your salary elsewhere, then you leave with nothing.” MPs and Senators earn close to Sh1 million in salaries and allowances, each end month.

The two Senators confirmed that they had received their salaries.

Senator Cheruiyot said he received his on Wednesday last week, while Senator Madzayo got his salary on Tuesday this week.

On Friday last week, Minority leader in the National Assembly Opiyo Wandayi said that MPs salaries for March had delayed, urging Parliament to probe operations at various government agencies, among them the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).

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