Climate change committee members urged to work closely with NEMA

Oct 19, 2023 - 19:11
Climate change committee members urged to work closely with NEMA

By Peter Ochieng

Kisumu governor Anyang' Nyong'o has directed members of climate change committees to work closely with the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA).

He said the close working relationship will ensure sustainable use and management of the Lakeside county's natural resources.

Speaking on Friday at the Mama Grace Onyango Social Centre during the official launch of climate change committees and the county environment committees, governor Nyong'o said climate change continues to have a negative impact on day today activities.

He said members of the committees should listen to suggestions from community members, on how to tackle issues of climate change, in their areas.

"Climate change has devastated many communities in our region robbing them of their livelihood. It therefore goes without saying that its only members of those communities who understand their priorities in this regard and can suggest appropriate coping mechanisms," said Nyong'o.

"The development of County Climate Change Act 2020 and coming up with structures to the ward level is one of the achievements that we cannot take for granted."

"Devolving institutions such as Ward climate change planning committees is expected to allow people to participate fully in planning, budgeting and implementation of local climate change adaptation projects," added Nyong'o.

He said the county has numerous environmental challenges to be addressed, adding that the committee members work is clearly cut out for them.

"I expect you as members of the Ward climate change planning committees to fully understand your mandate and responsibilities, be dedicated to community work at the grassroots level, be champions in implementing the 10% tree cover and climate change adaption as well as actively participate in the implementation of the County Intergrated Climate Change Action Plan (2023-2027) among your other roles."

The challenges, the governor said include illegal mining activities, illegal dumping and discharge of waste into water bodies among others.

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