County Commissioner reads riot act to National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) sleeping on the job

May 9, 2023 - 18:19
County Commissioner reads riot act to National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) sleeping on the job
A section of National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) during a meeting at Meru Teachers’ College today, Tuesday, 9 May 2023.

Meru, Tuesday, May 9, 2023

KNA by Dickson Mwiti

Meru County Commissioner (CC) Mr Fred Ndunga has warned all National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) against sleeping on their job promising to take stern action against those who will be found culpable. 

Addressing journalists during a meeting with the administration officers at Meru Teachers’ College, Mr Ndunga noted that some Chiefs and their Assistants were giving a blind eye to unlawful activities in their area which later came to escalate into a security threat. 

“We are aware that there are some Chiefs and their Assistants who collude with criminals, especially on the issue of illicit brews, but we want to tell them that their days are numbered if they are not ready to change,” declared Ndunga. 

We want to tell them that heads will start rolling from today especially if we find alcohol in your area or get wind of any criminal activity and you have never reported about the same,” reiterated Mr Ndunga. 

He asked them to make good use of a newly created ‘Mulika Uhalifu Forum’ where they can report any ills taking place in their areas of jurisdiction after which appropriate action will be taken. 

“The forum has county security officers from all levels and therefore any issue raised there will be addressed accordingly,” said Mr Ndunga. 

The CC also called on the officers and especially the young ones to protect their dignity in the eyes of those who they were serving in order to command their respect. 

“Let us conduct ourselves in the right manner so that the people who we are serving can respect us and the orders that we issue,” said Mr Ndunga.

He disclosed that the meeting with the NGAOs was mainly meant to remind them of their responsibilities and urged them to work hand in hand with the President and his Cabinet in order to serve Kenyans diligently. 

“We are supposed to remember that we have an obligation to report to our duty stations at the right time, fight corruption, avoid laziness, and preach peace among other duties in our portfolio," he said. 

To succeed in this, we need to put in more effort and this is basically what we were reminding ourselves about,” Mr Ndunga added.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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