Criminals involved in vandalizing ADC Mutara fence warned

Aug 14, 2023 - 22:03
Criminals involved in vandalizing ADC Mutara fence warned
Courtesy ; K. N. A


Monday, August 14, 2023

KNA by Muturi Mwangi

Rogue individuals in Segera location have been warned against invading private property following a destruction of about eight-kilometre long Agriculture Development Corporation (ADC) Mutura ranch electric fence in Segera.

Speaking at a public baraza in Tank Nyeusi in Segera, Laikipia East Deputy County Commissioner Patrick Muli warned that stern action will be taken against individuals found to destroy property.

“There is this ADC Mutara fence, it was vandalized and we wanted to have a conversation with residents on how we can stop the destruction. They destroyed about eight kilometres of the fence,” said Muli.

He said that the heavily guarded ADC Mutara ranch was invaded by unknown individuals who left a trail of destruction in the vast land. He pointed out that ADC Mutara was home to wildlife and destroying the fence was exposing residents to human-wildlife conflict.

“Without the fence, there will be a challenge of wild animals which will start causing chaos in the villages. We have already notified them and warned no more fence destruction,” warned the DCC.

The administrator said plans were underway to heighten security in the area through deployment of National Police Reservists (NPR).

At the same time, Gladies Naserian, a resident, alleged that youth were being side-lined in job opportunities by local ranchers despite having the qualification.

“There are these ranches here including ADC Mutara, Olpajeta and Segera ranch, they don’t offer us jobs despite our appeal to employ residents. I call on both the county and national government to intervene,” Naserian said.

Naiponoi Kantaana, on her part, accused local ranches that they offer job opportunities to non-residents, a move that has left their children grappling with poverty despite their effort to protect wildlife and promote tourism through their Maasai culture heritage.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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