CS Transport opens up security roads connecting Kerio Valley

Sep 14, 2023 - 14:53
CS Transport opens up security roads connecting Kerio Valley


Thursday, September 14, 2023

KNA Caroline Cherono

The government through KERRA has embarked on constructing security roads that will connect Baringo and Elgeyo Marakwet counties in the Kerio valley belt to improve security and boost trade in the volatile region.

CS Transport Kipchumba Murkomen was speaking at Kipnai location, Tiaty west sub-county, Tuesday when he flagged off the construction of the roads that would go a long way in restoring peace and harmony as communities in the region will be able to interact and trade peacefully.

"My contribution to peace in the North Rift region is constructing 13 security roads together with small bridges to ensure people live in harmony. In addition, we are also sourcing for funds to construct major roads in Baringo North so that the government securities agencies will be able to deal with the insecurity issues," Murkomen said.

The CS lauded the efforts of the local leaders in uniting to boost development and putting their differences aside adding that the agenda of the Kenya Kwanza government led by President William Ruto would ensure residents benefit from irrigation projects from the Arror and Kimwarer dams.

 "We will also open up markets in the region to boost trade and boost development in the region," he added.

Governor Benjamin Cheboi thanked the CS for flagging off the security roads adding that it will enable residents engage in meaningful development projects instead of stealing livestock to boost development.

"I want to request for the construction of roads in Baringo side of Kapedo-Kapau-Kongor-Roti- Sugut to Ngorot center that will connect to Silale and later to Samburu County. The construction of this road will end insecurity completely in the region," Cheboi said.

Area MP William Kamket said residents were excited about the construction of new roads as they would go a long way in boosting development and restoring lasting peace.

Other local leaders present were Baringo Senator William Cheptumo, Baringo North MP Joseph Makilap, woman representative Florence Jematia and MCAs.

Courtesy; KNA




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