Driver Assaults a Revenue collector

Jun 20, 2023 - 20:12
Driver Assaults a Revenue collector
Police car

Eldama Ravine, Tuesday June 20, 2023

KNA by Sarah Kamande/Christopher Kiprop

A Baringo County Revenue Collector Newton Chesang narrated how he was assaulted by a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) matatu driver when he asked for the revenue fee.

Chesang testified before the Eldama Ravine Resident Magistrate Alice Towett how David Kipkoech who was driving a Matatu registration number KBX 330T assaulted him when he stopped him to pay for the revenue fee charged on matatus.

Chesang told the court that he was attending to his duty of collecting revenue at Society area along Eldama Ravine- Nakuru road when the accused approached our barrier in the said vehicle.

“I waved him to stop, which he did and packed his vehicle on the roadside, he alighted and approached whereby I requested him to pay his revenue debt amounting to Sh 4,500, for the months of September, October, November and December,” said the plaintiff.

The accused is said to have argued that his vehicle had ceased operating as a matatu as it was operating as a private and went on to remove the spikes on the road before boarding his vehicle and attempting to leave.

The revenue collector swiftly placed back the spike an action that seemed to have angered the accused who alighted and confronted him.

“He grabbed me by my shirt, hit me on the jaw with his fist and pushed me into a nearby ditch,” added the complainant saying he sustained injuries on his jaw, left arm and the chest.

The revenue collector went on to state that after that confrontation, the passengers KIpkoech was carrying, believed to be his conductor and family members removed the barrier and allowed him to drive away from the scene.

Chesang went to Eldama Ravine Sub-County hospital where he was treated and later reported the matter to Eldama Ravine police station. He was issued with a P3 form which was filled by the doctor that attended to him

When the opportunity came for cross examination, the accused, who had pleaded not guilty to assault charges said he had no questions for the complainant.

The prosecutor Martha Ndung`u requested for a second hearing of the case when the medical doctor who treated Chesang will testify.

The magistrate adjourned the matter to August 2, 2023 when the doctor will testify on the matter.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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