Drug crisis at a Murang’a Hospital, a concern to residents

Aug 8, 2023 - 18:09
Drug crisis at a Murang’a Hospital, a concern to residents
Residents of Kakuzi Mitubiri area in Murang’a County protest over a drug crisis in the local health centre


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

KNA by Muoki Charles

Residents of Kakuzi Mitubiri area in Murang’a County are up in arms against the area leadership over a drug crisis in their only hospital, making accessibility for affordable medical services a dream.

They said the health facility that serves thousands of residents from Mitubiri, Gatuikiti and Kihiu Mwiri villages lacks essential facilities, drugs and first aid services, leaving many poor patients hopeless.

Speaking after a botched meeting to elect a new hospital board of management today, the residents attributed the crisis to poor leadership, and lack of streamlined operations by local leadership.

They said in most cases they are referred to seek medical services at Murang’a and Thika Level 5 Hospitals which are kilometers away and some patients do not make it.

Ruth Watere, resident said attempts to elect a new board to streamline the hospital’s operation has always been thwarted by one of the elected leaders who is hell-bent on imposing cronies who are unaware of their plight.

“We only have one hospital in this area and when it lacks essential drugs and other services, we get hopeless. When a patient arrives at the hospital, they are always referred to Murang’a and Thika level 5s. Some die before reaching the hospitals. The situation has led to many deaths over the months and thus we need to have a new management to sort out the mess,” said Watere.

Hannah Wangui, another resident, said only the election of new officials will save the crumbling health sector and restore hope to residents. She said the issue has persisted over several months, and added that they will not watch as they continue to lose their kin due to the hospital’s lack of drugs.

“We were to hold a meeting today to elect new officials. However, one of the leaders in the area has imposed some strangers on the management which we shall not allow. We shall put in office people who understand our challenges, not cronies, to some leaders,” she said.

The residents at the same time called on area Governor Dr. Irungu Kang’ata to intervene in streamlining the hospital's operations and equip it with essential facilities as well as drugs.

“We ask our Governor to visit the hospital to understand the challenges that we are facing. This hospital serves thousands of residents and needs to be equipped with facilities and drugs. For how long shall we continue to die due to poor leadership,” said Francis Nyoike, another resident.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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