Embrace self-discipline, bodaboda riders told

Jan 12, 2024 - 18:08
Embrace self-discipline, bodaboda riders told

By Peter Ochieng

Bodaboda (motorbike) riders have been urged to embrace self-discipline for order in the sector that creates 1 million direct job opportunities across the country.

Speaking to Bungoma county boda boda leadership when they visited his Mapera home on Friday, Bungoma governor Kenneth Lusaka emphasized the importance of maintaining order while conducting their business.

He highlighted the need for financial integrity within bodaboda groupings across the Western region county. "Observing high discipline is crucial, and it is equally important to ensure financial responsibility in managing your Saccos," said the governor.

He expressed regret over previous attempts to support them, citing the mismanagement of a bus provided during his previous regime. "Even as we extend our assistance, let's prioritize transparency within our organizations.” The governor personally contributed Sh1 million to their fund.

On her part, deputy governor Jenipher Mbatiany urged the riders to save for a better tomorrow as they conduct their business.

“We want to go with you to another level where you work and save for a better tomorrow. As leaders, we will come in to support you, but before that you must demonstrate that you already have something in your hand,” she said.

“You should not be seen to be helpless people because you are very powerful. It all starts in your mind. If your mind tells you that you are nothing, then you will turn out to be nothing. But when you say I am a powerful person who can educate his children, I want to tell you it is possible.”

The bodaboda operators led by their chairman Alex Kisuya, pledged to pay county levies in a bid to contribute to the county's development. It is estimated that the sector creates more than one million direct jobs for riders, earning approximately Sh1 billion in a day.

The government is also estimated to collect approximately Sh60 billion annually in fuel taxes from bodaboda riders, which consume an average of Sh300 in fuel per day.

This amounts to a total of Sh300 million in fuel per day, implying that the sector is significant to the social and economic development of the country.

However, there are several complaints of bodaboda operators gradually turning into the new face of crime in Kenya, posing a security challenge to the public, which has seen the government launch bodaboda training programs to try and instill discipline, and restore order in the sector.

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