Governor launches construction of Level 4 hospital in Kiambaa
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
KNA by Cedric Karungaru
Residents of Kiambaa constituency were in a celebratory mood after Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi attended a groundbreaking event for the construction of Karuri Level 4 Hospital continuing a streak of the county government’s plan to have hospitals in every ward.
The governor attended the event to mark the start of the construction of the new wing which will house 200 beds at the cost of Sh210 million, with the facility looking to add state of the X-ray machines, and outpatient wing, expanded maternity ward, a comprehensive laboratory and access to healthcare for non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.
Speaking to residents who attended the event, Wamatangi said the project was looking to cater to the large population of Kiambu with the current facility not being up to the required level and lacking essentials to cover the constituency, relieving the pressure felt on facilities in Kiambu, Tigoni and Kihara.
“After construction, the hospital will cater for the needs of the 300,000 people living here seeking medical care. Many people have to travel very far and in bad condition to seek medical care and we as the county government are looking to change this. We are expecting the completion of the project by December 2023,” he said.
Following calls from the residents to utilise the youth of Kiambaa in the assisting the construction of the hospital with unemployment rated high in the county and many of the youth turning to alcohol and drug abuse, the governor said he was keen on assisting the youth in secure jobs in the area.
“There are a lot of young people here who are ready and capable of assisting with this construction. We have talented painters, woodworkers, metal and glass workers here in this crowd and it is the task of our county government to make sure they have the opportunity to work,” he said.
Kiambu County Executive Committee Member for Health Services (CECM) Dr. Elias Maina noted that one of the services that had been highly requested after the public participation project was mental health facilities in the constituency, with the new facility ready to house one for rehabilitation.
“At the centre of our healthcare transformation in the county is a focus on mental health and making sure we provide the best services for this silent killer. We have many people in great need of this care,” he said
Mary Nduati, a resident of Kiambaa present at the event lauded the governor for his efforts in seeking to revamp healthcare in the county, saying that as an individual taking care of an autistic child and an ailing parent, the access to facilities near to her location is very convenient.
“I have a young one who has special needs and I have a sick parent. It has been a real challenge going to hospital in Kiambu when I have to also come with my child making it hard. It has taken a toll on my mental health, but the Karuri facility will relieve so much pressure for me and my family,” she said.
Upon completion the other facilities in Kiambaa set for upgrading are Kiambaa hospital for renovation, New Ndenderu and Cianda level three hospitals.
Courtesy; KNA
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