Health facilities commissioned

Dec 13, 2023 - 17:43
Health facilities commissioned
West Pokot governor Simon Kachapin (second left) and Health CEC Claire Parklea during the Commissioning of health facilities in Kasei ward. (Photo By Richard Muhambe).


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

KNA by Richard Muhambe

West Pokot governor Simon Kachapin has started walking the talk through commissioning key health facilities within the county.

Kachapin commissioned Lelmolo dispensary, Kamketo maternity wing, Opol dispensary, and Chepolion dispensary with the projects earmarked to enhance smooth health services among the people of Kasei ward. 

He reiterated that health is critical for any development to take place calling on collaboration from all stakeholders to ensure residents enjoy universal health.

“We want people to receive basic healthcare near their areas of residence so that only referral cases get to our county referral hospital in Kapenguria. This will help our people enjoy the fruits of independence and devolution,” said the governor.

Kachapin mentioned that for a long time, residents especially in arid and semi-arid zones suffered from a lack of basic healthcare since they have to spend fortunes to get medical attention.

He said such remote areas no people are willing to start clinics for fear of making losses.

“We are also going to establish a cancer center at the Kapenguria County Referral Hospital to save cancer patients from spending a lot seeking services elsewhere outside the county,” stated Kachapin.

Health CEC Clare Parklea said the opening of the facilities will not only improve the lives of locals but also open more job opportunities for the Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) from the area.

Courtesy; KNA 




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