Impeachment talks heat in Maua

Oct 24, 2023 - 15:50
Impeachment talks heat in Maua
Residents of Igembe South on Monday during public participation at Maua in Igembe South sub-county. (Photo by Jackline Mukami/KNA).


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

KNA by Kamanja Maeria/Jackline Mukami

In a significant public participation exercise held in Maua, which was led by the Maua Ward, Athiru Gaiti, Kiegoi-Antubochiu,Kanuni and Akachiu ward in Igembe South concerning the impeachment of the Meru County Governor Bishop Kawira Mwangaza, several grave allegations have come to the fore.

One of the primary concerns voiced by the public was the alleged misappropriation and misuse of county resources.

Residents expressed frustration over the lack of transparency and accountability in the allocation and utilization of public funds. Many pointing out that there is dire need for development in Meru County and questioned the Governor's commitment to the public welfare.

Beatrice Kathambi from Akachiu Ward expressed her concerns about the issue and said that, they no longer need the Okolea Programme which the governor coordinated adding that it is unlawful.

The accusations of nepotism and related unethical practices raised eyebrows during the exercise with several attendees citing instances where family members and close associates seemed to receive preferential treatment in county government appointments and contracts, leading to concerns about fairness and impartiality in the county's decision-making processes.

The Governor faced criticism for her alleged involvement in bullying, vilification, and demeaning other leaders within the county. 

Residents expressed their concern about a divisive and hostile political atmosphere perpetuated by such actions, which they believe hinders progress and unity.

Speaking on the issue, Purity Gitonga from Kiegoi Antubochiu Ward said that Kawira Mwangaza should learn to work with other leaders and view them as her work mates. 

 "For Kawira to succeed in ruling of the county there must be togetherness and teamwork," she noted.

Several participants expressed their dismay at the Governor's alleged illegal appointments and usurpation of statutory powers. This had led to a perceived disregard for established procedures and an erosion of the county's institutional integrity.

The Governor's alleged contempt of court and the county assembly were major points of contention during the exercise. 

Residents emphasized the importance of respecting legal institutions and processes and expressed concerns that such behavior undermined the rule of law and governance.

Titus Maore a pastor from Kanuni Ward expressed his concerns about respect to the other leaders being a virtue in leadership. He said that the Governor being a Bishop should be in a position to accord respect to all people of Meru County leave alone the leaders.

Residents made it clear that they have not yet witnessed substantial development in Igembe South under the governor's leadership. The absence of public roads and infrastructure projects was a source of widespread frustration.

Speaking about the development issue Timothy Kithela from Athiru Ward said that the Maua-Athiru Road is impassable during the rainy season, attributing it to the numerous accidents and challenges they face. He added that the road's state hinders transportation of goods especially miraa and severely impacts local businesses, which help in developing the local economy of the area and county at large.

The public participation exercise in Maua, Igembe South provided a platform for residents to express their concerns and grievances regarding the impeachment of the Meru County Governor where all their views were "The Governor Must Go". 

The points raised highlighted the gravity of the accusations against the Governor, with an agreement among the public that accountability, transparency, and development should be at the forefront of county governance.

Courtesy; KNA




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