Kajiado Referral Hospital Receives Medical Equipment

Jun 14, 2023 - 06:49
Kajiado Referral Hospital Receives Medical Equipment
ICU section at the Kajiado County referral Hospital

Kajiado, Tuesday June 13, 2023

KNA by Rop Janet

Kajiado County Referral Hospital has received medical equipment worth Sh20 million from the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA) to boost delivery of health services.

The laparoscopy equipment, which include an endoscope, camera, light source, video monitor, insufflator, trocars and surgical instruments will help boost surgical services being offered at the facility.

While handing over the equipment, Prof. Pankaj Jani from COSESCA, urged the hospital to put the equipment into good use so that many patients benefit from it.

According to the hospital’s medical superintendent Dr. Fred Ayani, patients from Kajiado will no longer have to travel many kilometers to Kenyatta Referral and Teaching Hospital in Nairobi to seek laparo-endoscopic procedures.

Ayani said the laparoscopic machine will help improve the outcome of surgeries being performed at the hospital, thus ensuring patients receive quality services as the risk of infections will be reduced.

The laparoscopy equipment aids a surgeon to view and access the inside of the abdomen and pelvis without having to make large incisions in the skin.

It enables the surgeon to perform surgery on the relevant part without potentially damaging other parts of the body.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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