Kenya Kwanza Government Earn Praise Over Massive Development Programmes in Luo Land

Oct 9, 2023 - 12:41
Kenya Kwanza Government  Earn Praise Over Massive Development Programmes in Luo Land
President Ruto greeting leaders when he arrived for a leaders’ forum at Sony Sugar Company yesterday.


Monday, October 9, 2023

KNA by George Agimba

President William Ruto’s government has scored highly in development programmes worth billions of shilling it has lined up to implement in Luo Nyanza in the near future.

The programmes launched in Siaya, Kisumu, Homa Bay and Migori Counties during a whistle-stop tour by President William Ruto at the end of last week are aimed at improving the lives of the local people and have left the local population elated.

While some of the residents think that the tour was more of political rhetoric, the outcome of the event has been a big plus to both the locals and Kenya Kwanza and Ruto in particular, in terms of votes.

True to the chagrins of the local ODM leadership, Ruto won over the hearts of many residents of the region who now think he has their interests at heart in terms of development, more so farmers engaged in sugarcane production.

“He touched our hearts when he announced the more than Sh1 billion his government is ready to release to Sony Sugar Company towards settling farmers debts and employee salary arrears,” said Mr. William Nyagadi, a farmer who the firm owes over Sh500,000 for cane he supplied two years ago.

In an interview with KNA, another resident, Caroline Atieno, who has become privy to the programmes being implemented and those lined up for implementation, said that despite the region denying Ruto and Kenya Kwanza votes during the August 2022 General Election, it is obvious that “we are benefitting from the government services like other Kenyans who voted for Ruto and his party."

Atieno was so happy with President Ruto that he has put behind all political blows he has received from the region to pour millions of shillings to support the technical college (TTI) at Oyani in Uriri Sub County and the level three hospital at Piny Owacho also in Uriri.

The road networks, the Gogo Power Station and all the agricultural promotion programmes set to be done by the state funds in millions of shillings are a clear testimony that President Ruto’s government is not an exclusive company benefiting members in terms of shares as believed by some Kenyans, but a government offering services to all tax payers.  

Mr. George Ouma says the state’s efforts to implement a host of social protection programmes as enshrined in Kenya’s Constitution has greatly helped to transform the lives of the elderly, the disabled persons and the orphaned children in the County and the country at large.

“It is time the region abandoned politics that alienated the local people from the ruling regime and strived to embrace the spirit of working with all political parties in order to earn inclusion in the sitting government,” Ouma concluded.

Although the region is believed to be loyal to ODM to the last man, President Ruto who stormed the area with baskets of goodies seems to have turned tables against the ODM party leadership who must now work overboard to protect their votes from being scattered, political pundits say.

However, Mr. Collins Otieno, political science student at the University of Nairobi says that even though Ruto this week made some inroads within the area, the ODM vote still remains intact and added he will need to use other leaders other than the ones he is currently using to champion this war to beat Raila in garnering more of the local votes at the next ballot.

Otieno noted that it would be a miracle for leaders like Mike Nyamita, Evans Kidero and their ilk to shift the hearts of voters in the area from Raila to Ruto even with the many goodies they influence to be channeled to the region from the government.

Courtesy; KNA







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