Kericho Hero Celebrated posthumously

Oct 19, 2023 - 10:34
Kericho Hero Celebrated posthumously
The late Mzee Joel Kipsoo Mutai a Kericho-based hero who transformed lives of many through championing education and campaigning for environmental conservation.


Thursday, October 19, 2023

KNA by Kibe Mburu

Mzee Joel Kipsoo Mutai, a revered hero in Kericho County popular for his passion in bettering environment, education and farming has been laid to rest just a few days to the 2023 Mashujaa Day celebrations, which is a special day for Kenyans to honour and celebrate all persons who have contributed positively and significantly to the Kenyan society.

Hundreds of residents turned up to bid farewell to the venerable centenarian who championed environmental conservation and equal education opportunities for both boys and girls in his community.

The late Mzee Kipsoo who lived 118 years has also been celebrated for his astute tea farming skills and passion which has been an inspiration for generations.

According to Agnes Mutai, (one of his daughters) the late Mzee Kipsoo was the first farmer to be licensed to practice tea farming in Kericho and has for years trained and inspired the youth to engage in tea growing.

Ms Mutai who is also a leader in the Naona Governmental Organisation in Kenya revealed that her father who cherished education graduated from Kabianga Farmers Training Centre in 1977 where he pursued a course in Tea farming and Animal husbandry.

“He had his own black board at home where he taught us various academic subjects, in fact he constructed a desk using locally available materials such as carton boxes. The desk is in the archives to-date at Keben primary and secondary school as evidence of his art work,” added Ms Mutai.

Ms Mutai also mentioned that her late father advocated for planting and maintaining of indigenous trees and sensitised the community on significance of creating a clean safe environment.

“He also invented the first Water-powered Poshomill which was driven by river water to grind the maize and millet during the First World War, following disasters of war and hunger,” Ms Mutai added.

As Kenya celebrates the 60th Mashujaa Day, Mzee Kipsoo is also celebrated posthumously as a hero who made a difference by transforming the lives of many in Kericho County. He is survived by six children, 26 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.

This year's national Mashujaa celebrations are being held at Kericho Green Stadium where various persons regarded as heroes due to their positive contribution to the society will be recognised and honoured by President William Ruto who will be the chief guest.

Courtesy; KNA


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