Kisumu taking its place as tourism, trade destination - Owili

Jan 11, 2024 - 15:36
Kisumu taking its place as tourism, trade destination - Owili

By Peter Ochieng

Kisumu Deputy Governor (DG) Mathews Ochieng Owili says the Lakeside county is finally taking its rightful place as the tourism, trade and investment destination of choice.

This, he said, has been achieved through the county government creating an enabling and conducive environment for investors to tap in the investment opportunities available.

Speaking during the Wigot School of Hospitality's first graduation ceremony on Thursday, Owili said six years ago, they started positioning Kisumu as the destination of choice in the country, and the efforts are now paying off, big time.

Under that period, Kisumu's hotel industry has grown from about 1,000 bed capacity to over 10,000 presently.

With the successful hosting of the Africities Summit in May 2022 and the recently concluded CEFAFA under 18 championships, the DG said Kisumu city has proved beyond reasonable doubt that it has much to offer in Blue Economy, hospitality, trade, tourism and investment.

"That is why the county government has come up with the tourism association to help market Kisumu. We are in the process of ensuring that the city faces the Lake," he said.

Wigot Hospitality School is owned by Wigot Gardens Hotel, with theory and practical lessons being 'served on the same plate.'

The graduation ceremony saw 8 graduants among them Sharon Otollo and Victor Otieno get their certificate and diploma honours after 15 months of study.

The institution offers diploma in culinary arts (ICM), diploma in food and beverage service (ICM), certificate in catering and accommodation operations (KNEC), and diploma in food and beverage production (KNEC).

Owili urged the graduants, as they join the job market to serve humanity with dignity.

"Your journey does not end here, it only takes a new direction. Congratulations and welcome to the world of work. Service humanity with dignity. Service to humanity is service to God," he said.

Engineer Meshack Kidenda, chairman of the college's council said the institution was initiated out of the need to improve the skills of people joining the job market in the hospitality industry.

He called for urgent completion of the convention centre, adding that its completion will hugely boost Kisumu's tourism prospects.

Construction of the centre is ongoing in Mamboleo, Kisumu.

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