Korean government funds climate project in Narok

May 11, 2023 - 21:50
Korean government funds climate project in Narok

Narok, Thursday, May 11, 2023

KNA by John Kaleke

The government in partnership with the Korean and World Vision is working on a Sh. 177 Million project to enhance the resilience of communities towards the adaptation to the challenges of climate change in Narok Count

The five-year project christened Sustainable Environment and Economy against Drought and Degradation (K-SEED) in the Tsavo Ecosystem and Dispersal Area (TEDA), was unveiled to help communities mitigate the effects of climate change.

The communities from MajiMoto-Naroosura ward and Loita ward are set to benefit from the Sh.177 Million K-SEED project funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) through World Vision partnering with the Narok county government.

Speaking at the launch in Enkongu Enkare, MajiMoto-Naroosura Ward, Narok South Sub County, Ms. Queen Kirmogo chief officer in charge of agriculture, livestock and fisheries who was also the chief guest, said that the project will aim to restore the degraded land in the ecosystem and protect water catchment areas.

Ms. Kimorgo said the county has been experiencing the adverse effects of climate change such as prolonged droughts which affected the livelihoods of people, thus through this collaboration, Narok will anticipate a remarkable improvement in the protection of catchment areas.

Mr. Fredrick Kasiku who is in charge of   Programme Effectiveness and Impact Director for World Vision Kenya said the project aims at transforming and changing the lives of the people who have been affected by climate change.

Kasiku noted that there is a need to enhance response to the adverse impacts of climate change among affected communities and aims to improve ecosystem restoration and management in Narok.

At the same time, Park Mi who is in charge of KOICA Kenya Office Vice Representative said the project aims at empowering communities on climate-smart agricultural techniques that seek to increase household income and food security without destroying the environment.

Mi appreciated the local community and local partners for their commitment that they have shown towards the new project so far.

“We have seen the commitment from the local communities to take part in this project, and we’re happy. We look forward to collaborating with communities and the local partners to achieve success in this project” said Mi.

The area Member of County assembly (MCA), Daniel Kilerai applauded the partners for the opportunity for choosing MajiMoto -Naroosura ward to be one of the beneficiaries of this project.

“This will be an enabler of economic activities within the area and our communities will be practicing agriculture activities through irrigation” Kilerai added.

However, Kilerai said to support communities to expand their knowledge of the importance of restoring the degraded lands and protecting water catchment areas will build a sustainable environment that they all enjoy to live in.

Applauding the MCA sentiments, Bishop Simon Simpai said when the locals are educated on the importance of forest and protections of catchment areas they will benefit a lot, thus they will be able to practice more agricultural activities in the area.

“This is an opportunity and a blessing to us as people of MajiMoto-Naroosura ward. It was just February we held a Commemorating World Wetlands Day here in Enkugu Enkare and people are learning the importance of protecting the water catchment areas” Simpai Added.

Simpai said so far they have planted over six million trees in the catchment of Naroosura that covers about 120 acres of land that the group ranch set aside for the project.

According to Simpai, Enkungu Enkare water source serves over Ten thousand households within the area.

The K-SEED project will be done through afforestation and reforestation initiatives aimed at increasing tree cover in the area so as to restore degraded land and safeguard water catchment areas.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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