Mwea Leaders Decry Marginalization in Land Boards Foundation

Jun 7, 2023 - 20:08
Mwea Leaders Decry Marginalization in Land Boards Foundation
Courtesy ; The Standard

Embu, Wednesday, June 7, 2023

KNA by Samuel Waititu

A section of leaders from newly formed Mwea Sub-county in Embu County have petitioned the Government to establish a land board in the area to enhance service delivery.

The area that was part of the crown land belonging to white settlers has four adjudication sections that were rocked in disputes for decades, with occupants living as squatters with no ownership documents.

They said the area was not considered in the recent gazette notice on formation of new Land Boards across the region, despite being a dully registered Sub-county.

“Mwea is a fully-fledged Sub-county headed by a Deputy County Commissioner with other government departments in operation and as such ought to have a land control board in place as required by law,” said area MCA Job Itumo.

He said having an operational office in the area will save many people from the burden of traveling all the way to Constituency Headquarters in Kiritiri Town for land transaction services as has been the norm.

The Ward Rep said the area had land issues over the years, including issuance of controversial title deeds and numerous court orders blocking further subdivision.

Itumo said it was unfortunate that during the formation of the constituency land board, not a single person from the area was included to represent and present their interests.

His Makima Ward counterpart Philip Zangi said the area has the biggest load of land related problems and it was of utmost importance for them to have a land board to assist in settling the long standing disputes as well as enhance service delivery.

“It is not possible to have people who do not live in the area to sit down and discuss matters concerning land that they do not understand,” Zangi said.

The two presented a signed petition by close to 500 locals to the offices of the County Commissioner and the county Governor for consideration over what they termed as an ‘’injustice” done to the area people during the formation of the lands board.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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