Parents urged to monitor their children during school holidays

Oct 20, 2023 - 11:11
Parents urged to monitor their children during school holidays
Fr. Vincent Alicho with St. Anthony Claret band at the school in Shanzu, Mombasa.


Friday October 20, 2023

KNA by Sadik Hassan

As schools across the country close for a long holiday parent have been urged to keep a close eye on their children against indecorous behavior, and online children sexual exploitation and abuse.

Fr. Vincent Alicho the Priest of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church that runs St. Anthony Claret Nursery and Primary School in Shanzu says discipline is the cornerstone of a successful life.

“We know it is a very long holiday children will be home for a very long time.We have taught them what to do at home. Their lives here in school continue at home, the discipline, and the moral values we inculcate continue at home,” said Fr. Alicho.

The Catholic-run school with a population of 450 learner’s leverages technology to interact and monitor the progress of their learners on holiday through their parents.

“We don’t expect them to misbehave at home, we want children when at home to maintain the values, morals, and discipline they have obtained at school to continue at home. It is very appalling to see children going home and begin to smoke and cause confusion to the society,” added Fr. Alicho.

Fr. Alicho a Nigerian missionary hailed the country’s Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) for revolutionizing education by nurturing learners' talents at a young age.

Through CBC the school now has an array of talents, the learners can operate band instruments like trombone, cymbals, trumpet, tuba, and snare and bus drums.

“We are embracing CBC, we don’t just present the academics work to the children we also mix with other things like playing a band,” he said adding life is not just about classwork, they strive to give more to learners.

The school through the church prides itself on churning out well-disciplined learners as they transition to secondary schools through holistic training.

Fr. Alicho says the country needs children who have been molded in all spheres of life. “We know the danger facing children when they are not well brought up, we can see exactly what it will mean to society. Children will be on drugs, smoking and engage in armed robbery. We want to stop that in our school,” he said.

The School Head Teacher Sister Susan Warui underscored the importance of spiritual nourishment in children's development. She advises parents to monitor their children's online activities during the holiday.

“Keep close monitoring every day, especially with the social media which has really interfered with the growth of these children. Make sure you’re monitoring and you’re sure of what they are watching on social media.” Sister Warui advised.

 On his part, Priest Kizito Mapera said the school works closely with the surrounding community in environmental conservation programs.

“We interlink with the community very well, not only in academic activities. We introduce our learners to live in an ecosystem that is clean. The learners are encouraged to clean their environment,” he said adding CBC will make learners to be at par with others globally.

Holiness Jumaa, a class eight candidate says it took her a few months to learn how to play a drum in the school band. She encouraged students to develop an interest in extracurricular activities while at school.

Courtesy; KNA




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