Postmortem results indicate varsity student died of strangulation

Apr 12, 2023 - 23:02
Postmortem results indicate varsity student died of strangulation

Bomet, Wednesday, April 12, 2023

K.N.A By Kipngeno Korir



Following the death of Mary Ann Wangari whose body was found floating in Nyongores river Monday, autopsy results has revealed that she died of strangulation.


The postmortem examination, which was led by Longisa County referral hospital Superintendent Dr. Weldon Kirui, showed that the deceased was strangulated and that she did not die of drowning.


Dr. Kirui also said there were lacerations in her private parts adding that there were no other injuries inflicted on the body.


Wangari was said to have gone missing last week after which security agencies embarked on search mission before her body was discovered in Chebirir area of Nyongores River.


Meanwhile, four male students and a lady were being questioned over the incident, according to Bomet Central Deputy Sub County Police Commandant Ali Bashir.


Bashir said cyber security police were also analyzing the deceased's phone data in an effort to trace her last steps.

Courtesy K.N.A 

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