President Ruto lunches phase II of the Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme

Aug 28, 2024 - 18:06
President Ruto lunches phase II of the Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme
A placard of the Phase II of Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme launched by President William Ruto on Wednesday, 28 August, 2024 in Nyatike, Migori County.


August 28, 2024

McCreadie Andias 

On his first day of the Luo Nyanza development tour, President William Ruto has rolled out phase II of the Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme in Nyatike, Homa Bay County. 

The project which is a major producer of paddy rice has 19,000 acres of land under Irrigation and produces approximately 80,000 metric tonnes of rice and other crops.

Upon completion, the Phase II of the project is set to put additional 2000 acres under irrigation with 2150 acres under paddy rice and 5,568 for sugarcane and other horticultural crops.

Additionally, phase II is expected to produce 7,320 metric tonnes of paddy rice and 225,000 metric tonnes of sugarcane valued at 4,750 per tonne. 

The government has estimated that the project will directly benefits 4,750 households and will employ 98,000 people indirectly. 

The project will also create wealth approximated at 6 billion annually, which will ultimately contribute to the sustainable supply of raw materials for agro based industries.

The farm produce generated will highly contribute to the generation of foreign exchange through export while promoting the government's food security agenda. 

"Water is a key ingredient of our Plan. That is why we are connecting every household to water to improve livelihoods, create employment and generate wealth for our youth." The president noted in a statement.

Earlier In Kegonga, the head of state launched the Kegonga Cluster Water Supply Project that is estimated to produce 1,850,000 litres a day, benefitting more than 14,800 households in Migori County.

The president was in company of his deputy Rigathi Gachagua, Migori County Governor Ochilo Ayakho, CS for Water Sanitation and Irrigation Eng. Eric Mugaa, Energy CS Opiyo Wandayi among other leaders. 

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