Residents asked to sanitize and wear masks after senior public health official dies from Covid-19 complications

Jun 16, 2023 - 10:23
Residents asked to sanitize and wear masks after senior public health official dies from Covid-19 complications
Residents adhering to Covid-19 preventive protocols

Voi, Thursday, June 15, 2023

KNA by Wagema Mwangi

Panic has gripped the health sector in Taita-Taveta County after a senior public health official in the region succumbed to complications arising out of Covid-19 infection.

The official had been rushed to Moi County Referral Hospital on Tuesday evening after developing breathing difficulties.

He was later transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Mwatate sub-county when his condition deteriorated. 

The patient, who had underlying conditions, suffered from respiratory failure and passed on on Wednesday afternoon.

The County Director of Health Elvis Mwandawiro termed the death of the veteran public health official as a big loss to the department.

He added that multiple tests carried out revealed that the patient had damaged lungs; a situation that complicated his already delicate condition.

“The medics did what they could. The CT scan showed damaged lungs which contributed to the breathing challenges. The lungs were 75-percent damaged,” he said.

Sources say that when the official was rushed to hospital, the tests from the rapid antigen kit brought back Covid-19 positive.

Samples later sent to the government lab in Kilifi confirmed the Covid-19 infection.

Taita-Taveta County has recently reported four Covid-19 positive cases.

Three cases were reported at Mano area in Mwatate sub-county.

The patients were managed at an isolation center in Mwatate but were later discharged after they turned negative.

The health director urged the residents to take precautionary measures stating that although the reported cases were very low, Covid-19 continued to pose a considerable risk to the public.

He added that protective measures including sanitising, washing of hands and wearing of masks in crowded places should be adhered to in order to stop the spread of the disease.

“We should adhere to the guidelines issued for Covid-19. People should go for vaccines and booster shots to keep themselves safe,” he said.

The death of the official has sent fear through the health department with most health workers wearing masks while in office.

During a head of department meeting with the County Commissioner Josephine Onunga a fortnight ago in Voi, public health disease surveillance officials asked the government to ramp up public awareness and urge the public to adhere to Covid-19 regulations.

Speaking during the meeting, Mr John Kishaga, Voi sub-county disease surveillance officer, said the public needed to be encouraged to wear masks and wash their hands owing to a sharp rise in flu-like cases amongst residents and school children.

“We need to work closely together and encourage washing hands and wearing masks by the public,” he said.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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