Residents Want Hospital Operationalized

May 23, 2023 - 16:25
Residents Want Hospital Operationalized
Kisumu Governor Peter Anyang Nyongo

Kisumu, Tuesday, May 23, 2023,

KNA by Milton Onyango

The residents of Kakola, Kusumu county, have called on the government to operationalize service delivery at the recently constructed Ombaka hospital.

The residents expressed their frustration that perennial floods have jeopardized the commencement of operations at the facility.

The residents are unhappy given that lots of money has been sunk into the construction of the hospital facility which unfortunately has not yet opened its doors to serve them.

“Matters health care around here have become very challenging because the nearest health facility is at Ombaka that is 13 kilometers away where if you have to trek to especially if you are sick then it’s an impossible task,” decried Joe Oduol, a local.

The residents lamented that it was foolhardy for the Kisumu county governor Prof Nyong’o to officially commission the magnificent facility then keep its doors closed to the public who deserve its services.

Similar concerns were voiced by the local community health volunteers at Kakola who were wondering why doctors were posted to the facility including drugs that were also delivered yet the facilities doors remained shut.

“Currently there is a diseases outbreak among the toddlers and the elderly yet they cannot access even the basic service,” added Oduol

The residents decried that many expectant mothers have lost their lives on the way while being rushed to the only other facility at Ahero, making a strong case for the immediate opening of Ombaka facility to the public.

The residents have however expressed fears that operations at the Ombaka facility may be grounded at any time especially in the wake of the ranging rains that have caused flooding.

The residents have since appealed to the government to take the flooding menace into consideration and move with speed to ensure that the dispensary building is done in a manner that can withstand the flooding including the doctor’s residence.

Kisumu Chief Officer for health Dr Ojwang Lucy noted that there is need to construct a latrine at the facility as a matter of urgency

Though the facility has been operational for over one year now hopes are rife that the county government shall prioritize completing the construction and finally install the requisite human resources capital for its operations.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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