Sensitization to stop electrocution among learners launched

Apr 21, 2023 - 11:20
Sensitization to stop electrocution among learners launched
South Nyanza Regional Business manager Mathew Muthini addressing the Press at Kisii National Youth Polytechnic during launch of sensitization for teachers on electricity safety measures.


Thursday April 20, 2023

K.N.A. - By Jane Naitore

Kenya Power company in conjunction with the Ministry of Education has launched an electricity safety measures sensitization programme for primary school teachers, aimed at minimizing deaths caused by electrocution in the school fraternity. 

The first public sensitization session under the programme   in Kisii county, kicked-off at the Kisii National Youth Polytechnic in the outskirts of Kisii town with a selected number of representatives from various schools in the county.

Representing the ministry of education from the headquarters, Martin Kungania, disclosed that the public sessions will be conducted in 15 counties between the month of April and May this year.

The programme on Electrical Safety Education for Schools will see participants from the Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC), teachers and learners pass the information to parents and society in the County, where over 10 residents lost their lives to electrocution last year with two dying of the same this year.

Kenya Power County Business Manager, Mathew Muthini decried rampant electrocution cases in the region and attributed it to illegal power connections.

According to the manager, the incidents could be avoided if the consumers received the relevant public education on use of electricity in a safe manner.

Kisii county was identified as one of the areas with high cases of deaths from electrocution, owing to rampant lightning and thunderstorms.

Muthini called upon the public report these incidences using a newly introduced product by the company, USSD code; *977# in case of any power interruption, bill settlement or when seeking information on recommended electricians among others.


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