Siaya Deputy Governor Oduol impeached

Jun 8, 2023 - 20:18
Siaya Deputy Governor Oduol impeached

By Peter Ochieng

William Oduol has been impeached from position of Siaya County Deputy Governor (DG).

The embattled politician was kicked out of office on Thursday, after 42 Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) adopted the report of a special committee.

The 14-member special committee was formed on 29th May, 2023 to investigate the grounds for an impeachment motion against him.

East Asembo Ward MCA Gordon Onguru who moved the motion against Oduol accused him of amongst others; gross violation of the constitution, abuse of office and misuse of public resources.

The special committee in its recommendations gave a go ahead to Oduol's impeachment, after 'substantiating' claims against him.

Francis Otiato, Yimbo East MCA served as the committee's chairman.

MCAs started 'timing' Oduol's steps several weeks ago, when he took on his boss, Siaya governor James Bob Orengo, accusing him of misappropriation of county funds.

The DG claimed that over Sh5 million was being withdrawn from Siaya County coffers on a daily basis, without a trace. MCAs accused him of dishonesty, adding that he had to be sent packing after his relationship with Orengo went 'beyond repair.'

Orengo and Oduol were elected on the ODM party ticket in August, 2022.

This week, the DG was given time to be heard before by the Assembly.

He said his belief in good governance still stands.

"My belief in good governance, transparency and accountability for the great people of Siaya still holds no matter the circumstances at hand," he said.

Oduol becomes the first deputy governor to be impeached since the advent of devolution in 2013.

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