Sigh of relief to Njia ward residents for receiving water tanks

Jun 8, 2023 - 22:08
Sigh of relief to Njia ward residents for receiving water tanks
Courtesy ; Meru County Government. New water tanks donated to Njia residents

Maua, Thursday, June 8 2023,

KNA by Kamanja Maeria/Edith Mwendwa

Residents of Njia ward expressed relief for having their long time cry of scarcity of water being heard and acted upon by the county government led by Governor Kawira Mwangaza.

Mwangaza on Wednesday conducted a mass distribution of water tanks and water pipes at Muutine Chief’s Camp to all areas in Njia Ward, Igembe Central. 

She noted that the county government has donated thirteen tanks to thirteen Njuri Cheke houses namely Rikiau, Kiujuline, Nkaria Muiko, Ndoleli, Mwenjelene, Ntabari, Njoune, Kiruumo, kabuitu, Miori, Muuro, Thiitha and Kathithi. 

"The County Government has also donated ten thousand litre tanks and pipes to the following boreholes; KK Muuti, Cattledip, Kaumone, Mwiyo, Thamare, Thuuru, Ntui and Kwa Ntorukunga," the county boss stated.

Mwangaza also gave a brand-new motorbike to Umoja self-help group. She maintained that she is working hard to make Njia ward better citing ongoing construction of a perimeter wall at Muringene Market and construction of Thamare Dispensary maternity room. 

She further called upon Members of County Assembly to support her leadership to ensure adequate service delivery to the residents of Meru County.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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